The Department of Education is required to provide each student with a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Learn more about Special Education on the NYCDOE’s website.

Our School Based Support Team (SBST) consists of a Psychologist, Social Worker, and Guidance Counselor. 

When a teacher or parent has concerns about a student they can reach out to the SBST. The school psychologist and social worker handle most initial student evaluations (and any three-year re-evaluations of students who are in need of continued support).

After the initial evaluation, SBST members work with the student’s teacher and family to develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP outlines what services the student needs and how they will be provided.



Students who have physical, developmental, or behavioral needs that are not met solely through general education may qualify for an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). A student may already have an IEP when they enroll at BCMS A&T, or they may be referred for evaluation by a parent/guardian, teacher, or another school official. 

Once evaluated, the student’s IEP team - which includes their parent/guardian and members of the School Based Support Team (SBST) - meet to determine whether the student needs an IEP and what, if any, special education services the student requires. 

Depending on the IEP, a student may receive services they require while still a part of any of the classroom environments available at BCMS A&T that are appropriate for them. Some examples of related services are: assistive technology, counseling, occupational, physical, and/or speech/language therapy, hearing and/or vision education services, orientation/mobility services, school nurse services, and sign language interpreters. Some students and classrooms also benefit from the assistance of a paraprofessional, who can offer aid with a variety of health, developmental or behavioral needs.

Learn more about IEPs on the New York City Department of Education website.


We currently have multiple guidance counselors including a bilingual counselor, as well as physical occupational and speech therapists on staff.


Our special education teachers work to facilitate the necessary support for students with disabilities to participate and succeed in a general education or Integrated Co-Teaching (ICT) classroom. At BCMS A&T, general education teachers and special education teachers work together to identify and implement necessary adaptations to methods and techniques in the classroom in order to meet the needs of the student. These services focus on strengthening the student’s cognitive skills to improve their ability to engage with and understand their academic instruction.